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Balanced, Focused Thought (Page of Swords, Temperance, Knight of Swords)

Let’s first examine the message given here to your Divine Self. You may be experiencing a new, fresh look on life - even receiving ‘downloads’, messages from a place of harmony. I feel like this is a message of mental clarity and steady progression. Finding balance between the two sides of the Self. Real aim and clear focus is taking place. A real desire for independence (and the determination to make it happen!).

I also sense the element of family here as well, or even a great partnership. A great meeting of minds with sincerity and purpose; you may be finding balance within that partnership. There is a cohesiveness at work here. You may have found your (especially intellectual) match! You two may think alike, or share similar values.

Find time (one of the original names given to the Temperance card) for you, your work, and your friends and family, as you devote a balanced amount of energy to each. Be playful! Be brave! Be present! Surely, the story will unfold. How well will you wield the Sword of your focus?

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