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On Coming Traffic (7 of Swords & The Chariot)

You’re determined. The mental weight is heavy (perhaps not as heavy as it has been recently) but you’re going for it, anyway. Terrific! You’ve proven to yourself that nothing will stop you. Just be sure that your proverbial “shades” aren’t too dark; make sure your music isn’t so loud that you don’t hear the warnings “honking” at you!

As you go after what you desire, make certain that you plan well, harnessing the best kind of energy. You want your outward expression to exude power, not desperation. You are most certainly ready, so there is no need to rush things. Movement is happening rapidly, anyway, so go with the well formed flow.

Right direction requires paying attention to your surroundings, being cautious and calculating as you move through the attainment of your goals.

Your mind may be racing with thoughts of ‘all you need to do’. You have the energy to handle all that needs to be handled, so stop at that Stop Sign, will you? It is good (and necessary) to pause. There is surely on-coming traffic headed your way. Refusing to pause will only cause a collision. Confusion (which typically shuts all useful momentum down) can be avoided by developing a safe, scenic and pleasant route to your destination. A route where you pause, are mindful, appreciative, creative, and calmly determined.

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