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This powerful program consists of 6 one-hour sessions throughout a 30-day period (most of my month-to-month clients begin at the start of the month). 


Each session is tailored to your specific needs. This may include tarot and psychic readings, past life regressions, ancestral work, shadow work, and other healing modalities. You will do in-depth activities and deep internal work throughout this divine journey. You can work on your own, of course, but many of my clients find that working with someone they trust - someone that will hold them accountable is also extremely valuable.


Many of my clients consider adding Astrological Therapy to their program: a single analysis of your birth chart that traces the root of major patterns in your life. After examining your chart, and discussing the balanced and imbalanced aspects, we  work on further developing your specific program towards healing.


You may additionally receive a copy of your analysis if requested. 


A number of persons who engage in this Divinely constructed method find that working with oils can be intensely powerful. These oils are tuned to, and in alignment with, the highest frequencies and intentions. Participants of the Hummingbird the Healer Spiritual Life Coaching Program enjoy working with Cloud 9 as they go through their incredible transformation.


Cloud 9 is an oil that is very powerful in helping to realign your mood and overall outlook on a day-to-day basis. It is a real mood shifter!!!


As you work through your 30 day cycle of transformation, I ask that you incorporate Spiritual baths into your practice. Baths are crafted to suit your specific needs, and are an essential part of the process. Showers are also acceptable, but a bucket or large container will be required.


Spiritual baths are designed to assist in different areas including:

  •  Emotional imbalance 

  •  Spiritual cleansing 

  •  Past Life trauma cleansing 

  •  Negativity reversal (from a psychic attack or self harm)


And more... 


I know this transitional period may feel overwhelming at times, but it’s really amazing that you’re seeking assistance. You aren’t simply throwing up your hands in defeat! You know that THIS is your moment. You’re doing all you can to take hold of your incredible destiny, bringing your dreams and goals to life! Let’s go!

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